
New plant construction completed, KMI relocation work draws to a close

Date: 2018.07.25 Views: 30

Due to the development needs of KMI Company, Combel Canto has been building new plant and workshop since 2017. The new plant area of the company will reach more than 25,000 square meters. It can be said that the new plant and workshop, which has greatly solved the productivity and supply capacity of the company, was basically completed in July this year.

The picture shows the new plant of KMI

The picture shows the new plant of KMI
These days focus all around the relocation of the company all the relocation work is drawing to a close, now believe that, in a few days will restore production and new factory and workshop.

A corner of the workshop at KMI's new plant

The picture shows a corner of workshop, KMI new plant can be seen from the diagram is most basic has all the equipment and materials to move.

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